Author Archives: Madalyn Ward, DVM

About Madalyn Ward, DVM

This blog provides information based on my unique take on horse health and well being. The articles are based on experience of treating and working with horses for over 40 years. In most cases the articles are focused on an holistic approach to health and management. When conventional medicine offers good research or therapy, I share this information as well. Madalyn Ward, DVM

12 Days of Christmas from Horse Harmony & Holistic Horsekeeping

Looking for the perfect holiday gift for your horse? Based on your horse’s temperament type, we’ve got some ideas for you in the video below. If you don’t know your horse’s type, take the free Horse Harmony Test. Then see what your horse would consider the perfect holiday gift based on his type by clicking … Continue Reading »

Horseman’s Health: Aging Gracefully by Eating Well

Diet is very important in aging gracefully. When we talk about aging gracefully that includes all the aspects of aging not just looking younger. Skin health is a part of the overall picture of aging gracefully, but brain health, bone health, joint health, energy level, cardiovascular health, and digestive health, just to name a few, … Continue Reading »

Holistic Horse Health: Is Stress Affecting Your Horse’s Liver?

Last month we talked about how stress can cause ulcers in horses and this month I want to talk about how stress in horses can affect liver function. Liver health is essential for proper digestion, sugar metabolism, hormone production and detoxification. Stress and liver health are connected through the hormone, insulin. Occasional stress will strengthen … Continue Reading »

Horse Temperament: Gift, an Earth Mare with Cracked Hooves

There are many reasons for a horse to have cracked hooves such as poor nutrition, dry weather or dry weather alternating with wet weather. Infrequent or improper trimming can also cause hooves to crack but in Gift’s case none of these conditions existed.

Horseman’s Health: Common Food Allergies and Natural Solutions

Are you one of the many Americans suffering with common food allergies? Do you have to carry an epipen with you wherever you go and scrutinize every food label before eating anything? It is estimated that there are 3 million children in this country with common food allergies and 3,000 emergency room visits a year … Continue Reading »

Stress Induced Ulcers in Horses: Is Your Horse Stressing Out?

It is easy to recognize stress in the horse that walks his stall, cribs or kicks the walls. This type horse is telling you loud and clear that he is not happy and chances are he also has an ulcer. But what about the horse that loves his job, likes his person and surroundings – is this horse also a candidate for ulcers? The truth is ulcers in horses don’t just happen to those that are unhappy with their lives. Ulcers can happen to any horse under stress, even yours.

Horseman’s Health: What Causes an Allergy and Avoiding Fall Allergies

Many people associate seasonal allergies with Spring when plants start blooming, but if you consider what causes an allergy you’ll see that Fall allergies are also a real possibility. In these days of global warming when more moderate temperatures last longer Fall allergies are affecting more and more people that were accustomed to getting some allergy relief in winter months.

Horse Temperament: The 2 Types of Wood Horse

When a person thinks about the Wood horse temperament what often comes to mind is a racehorse. The Wood horse temperament is powerful, athletic, smart and headstrong. These are great characteristics for a racehorse but not so good if you want a horse of your own to compete and have fun with. Yet, there are … Continue Reading »

Horseman’s Health: How to Get a Flat Stomach, Finally!

Do you struggle with how to get a flat stomach? Does belly fat seem to be impossible to get rid of? Are you one of the 62% of women that report the body part they are most self-conscious of is their belly? If the answer to any of these questions for you is yes, then … Continue Reading »

Horseman’s Health: Gardening in Texas

When the gardening in Texas book says plant in full sun it should have a disclaimer – Plan to remove your dead plants by mid-June. You can take your chances and plant early but you risk losing your whole garden to a late frost. Or you can watch your baby plants, like we did, get … Continue Reading »

Holistic Horse Care: Acupressure for Sweet Itch

If you have ever had a horse suffer with sweet itch you know the misery it causes. Acupressure for sweet itch can be part of a holistic health care program to treat this frustrating condition. About Sweet Itch Sweet itch is caused by a sensitivity to the bites of tiny, flying gnats. Topical insect repellants, … Continue Reading »

Horseman’s Health: Signs That Your Immune System Needs a Boost

How is your immune system working for you? Do you find yourself catching every “bug” that comes along while others you know seem to rarely get sick? The difference could be how you are treating your immune system. It may be that your immune system needs a boost to function more efficiently. Your Immune System … Continue Reading »

Horse Temperament: Cody, a Silly Shao Yang

Cody was bought as a jumping prospect off the track. He had a lot of talent but he was not a consistent winner. As a Shao Yang horse temperament(Fire/Wood), Cody could be volatile and unpredictable when out of balance. I could certainly see how this affected his career as a racehorse because working on Cody … Continue Reading »

Holistic Horse Care: Kidney Problems

Kidney problems in horses probably happen much more often than we realize. Low back pain is a classic symptom of kidney problems in people. In horses low back pain can easily be attributed to other more common problems such as hock soreness or overwork. A good holistic horse care program will include appropriate horse feeds … Continue Reading »

Horseman’s Health: Healthy Aging – 5 Ways to Sharpen Your Aging Brain

When we think about healthy aging we usually think about all the physical changes our bodies go through. But what about staying mentally sharp and aware? Good brain health is equally important for healthy aging. Here are 5 things you can do to help sharpen your aging brain. 1. Manage Stress Positive thinking has an … Continue Reading »

Horse Temperament: Kuffs, the Injured Racehorse

Horse Temperament typing is valuable for health issues as well as behavior. When you know the temperament you can more accurately predict problems or choose the most successful treatment for current challenges. Kuffs is an ex-racehorse who I was able to help more easily once I knew his temperament. I was able to use the … Continue Reading »