May 2014 – Mid Month Update

May 2014 – Mid Month Update

Holistic Horsekeeping
How to have a healthy happy horse


In This Issue:

Horse Temperament: Homeopathy for the Fire Horse


Horse Temperament: Homeopathy for the Fire Horse
Madalyn on horsebackOnce you have determined the correct horse temperament you may ask, “What good does this do me?” Well for one thing it could help you chose the best horse supplements so you don’t waste money on products that are not a fit for your horse. You can also use temperament typing to select the best acupressure points or homeopathic remedies.

Homeopathy is based on the law of similars. This means each remedy picture given should be a match for the symptom picture being presented by the patient. For constitutional homeopathic prescribing the remedy picture should be a match for a large collection of symptoms, both physical and emotional, that have presented over the lifetime of a patient. Remedies that I use often in Fire horses include:

Phosphorus – The Phosphorus type Fire horse is often tall and narrow through the body. He is sensitive and over-reactive to sound, touch and light. He can be exceptionally fearful of being by himself. Inflammation of the stomach and intestines is common. Tightness in the chest is a characteristic of Phosphorus and horses. Horses with respiratory infections that show a fan like motion of the nostrils may respond to Phosphorus. Bleeding with bright red blood is another Phosphorus keynote. When moving, joints may suddenly collapse for no obvious reason.

Silica – The Silica type Fire horse is anxious, sensitive and yielding. These horses are deathly afraid of needles and tend to have very bad effects from vaccines. The remedy, Silica, has the tendency to form induration and scarring so it is good to think of for slow healing wounds or stricture of the naso lacrimal duct. Indigestion with a sour smell to the breath is an indication for Silica. There is a tendency to chronic colds with continued profuse, mucopurulent discharge from the nose. Hooves tend to be poor quality with cracking and weak walls. The Silica type Fire horse is more susceptible to parasites and can also have the unusual symptom of eating large quantities of dirt or sand.

Chamomile – The Chamomile type Fire horse is sensitive, irritable and super sensitive to pain of any type. Difficulty during dental eruption is a characteristic of Chamomile so expect the young horse to be resistant to training. Chamomile is specific for acute inflammation in the upper part of the small intestine. I have actually seen a horse walk backwards in an effort to escape this kind of pain which a dose of Chamomile was able to relieve quickly. Painful heat cycles can be an indication to give Chamomile. The Chamomile type horse will be more difficult to work with during hot and/or windy weather.

Arsenicum – The Arsenicum type Fire horse is restless and easily exhausted. He can become frightened easily and quickly becomes unmanageable. Any drainage, such as tearing, is irritating and will cause the hair to be lost in the area. The Arsenicum horse is thirsty but only wants to drink water a few small sips at a time. Inflammation of the stomach is common and made worse by acid foods such as vinegar. Watery fruits such as watermelon can also upset the stomach. Heat cycles can be extended and the urine will scald the hind legs. The skin can be dry, itchy and prone to hives. The hooves can develop thrush easily.

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