Holistic Horsekeeping
How to have a healthy happy horse
In This Issue:
- Remi
- Webinars With Wendy: Kim Bauer, TCM 5 Element Temperment Typing Case Studies
1. Remi

I was sad to learn that Remi was put down last fall for age related issues. Remi was an amazing horse. I first met him after he was purchased by one of my clients. He had been seriously neglected but my client recognized his potential. I thought he was a really nice horse and made the comment that I would love to have him if they ever decided to sell.
I got my wish a few years later and was able to buy Remi and bring him into my life. At first, I thought Remi was a Water horse temperament because he was very reactive and fearful. I tried to comfort him and get him to relax but this just made him worse. I realized that he was not a Water horse but he did have his Water element out of balance due to many emotional traumas he had experienced. I typed Remi as a Metal/Earth and focused on giving him a job.
I started to be more firm with Remi when he got anxious and I reminded him that he was safe with me and we had a job to do together. He responded very well and we had so much fun together. I also offered him free choice Water and Metal Balance formulas. He went for the Water first and then the Metal. I really think these formulas helped him get balanced.
Remi loved cow sorting. I had never done this before so we had to learn together. At our first sorting practice Remi watched the activity in the pens very intently. After watching just a few practice sessions he took a deep breath as if to say “I got this”.
Once Remi understood the sorting plan he was fabulous. I went to several clinics and the teachers were so impressed how quickly he moved the cows and commented that I did not even wear spurs. Remi got so mad if a cow pushed past him. He would flatten his ears and stare at the cow with pure hatred for such disrespect. He was so serious about his job.
I also took Remi to lots of horsemanship clinics. He needed to have things broken down into steps but once he learned a maneuver he was solid with it. The first time I got on him off a fence he struggled to understand this weird method of mounting but after the first time he snuggled right up to the fence every time so it was easy for me to get on.
Remi also saved me one time when I got between the fence and him just as my mare kicked out. Remi could have pushed over the top of me to avoid her kick but he just took it and only moved after I was safe.
Even though Remi had some rough times in his life he did not think of himself as a rescued horse. I suggested one time that he was a rescue because of his neglect early in life and when he had the opportunity to talk to an animal communicator he pointed out that he was not rescued. Remi had a lot of pride and it showed in his work ethic. Remi had so much to give and I learned so much from him.
I had to find a home for Remi when we moved to Colorado. He would not have been able to handle the cold and snow. He had a very safe and comfortable home for the last years of his life and I am so grateful for this. He deserved it.
2. Webinars With Wendy: Kim Bauer, TCM 5 Element Temperament Typing Case Studies

Thanks to Wendy Murdoch for creating the Webinars with Wendy series and sharing lots of great horse knowledge with us all. The latest video with Kim Bauer in this series has some great information about the 5 Element Temperament Typing. You can find it at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_yDkmozqhNU&feature=youtu.be
If you didn’t see the video she did with me, check it out too at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ul6wSLQ_ka0&feature=youtu.be.
Also if you missed the first video she did with Kim Bauer, you can see it at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hv4xzOqZnH8&feature=youtu.be
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