Graduating from Vet School, pioneering holistic horse care and temperament typing are small endeavors to where I am about to go now. Honestly, I am terrified but the horses need me to say this.
When I was not able to get horses healthy using conventional medicine I learned about Holistic approaches and lots of horses got better. The ones that did not improve I realized were not being understood so I learned about Temperament Typing. Lots of horses got better. Some horses still had physical issues so I added Osteopathy to my Network and Bowen therapies. A lot of horses got better.
Now, I am seeing more and more horses who are not getting better. Instead, they are suffering from ailments that should not be there with good holistic care and management. Ulcers, metabolic disorders, chronic mystery lameness, head shaking and deep emotional trauma. Several good horse people I know have left or are contemplating getting out of horses because they are also unable to help and can’t stand to watch the suffering.
I have searched for what more I could do but the answer I have been avoiding can’t be ignored any longer. The problem is us. I believe animals are spiritual creatures and come here with a mission to help humans. Dogs teach us about unconditional love, cats teach us to take back our power and horses are here for our personal growth. They don’t let us get away with being inauthentic or refusing to face our blockages. So, since many of us are not doing our work, the horses are suffering and in some cases dying.
Your horse can’t fix you! You have to search your soul and find out why you are not living your true passion. Why are you playing small when you could be doing so much in this world and the world needs you to do your thing. Are you hurt, stressed, exhausted, frustrated or confused? Find out why! Your horse needs you to do this. Is it a relationship, lack of time, lack of money, low self esteem? Whatever it is, you have to get help and make the shift.
I will share my story.
My real personal growth journey began in 1993. I had just lost both my parents, my relationship was failing and I was unhappy with my conventional veterinary practice. Three things came into my life – blue green algae, network chiropractic and network marketing. Blue green algae gave my body the energy it needed to face change, network chiropractic helped me get past my grief and network marketing gave me a vehicle to earn passive income to support my holistic learning and grow as a person.
Knowing I was a tough case, God sent me mules to show me my blockages. Between the mules and the personal growth I experienced trying to build my networking business, I had some pretty tough years. I must have shown some progress because God sent my sweet Cerise into my life. Cerise was the kindest horse I have ever known. She gave me everything she had and we had some wonderful years of fun together.
But, vacation ended and it was time to grow again. When I met my beautiful wife, my church was not okay with it. I am sure their intentions were good but they banned me from my leadership in the church. I suppressed my feelings of hurt and anger for years. The mules were gone and Cerise passed away. I now have beautiful Martini who desperately wants to be the partner that Cerise was.
I am now ready to grow again and be Martini’s person. I continue to eat blue green algae every day and am now with an amazing hemp network marketing company. This hemp oil, with high levels of CBG, is balancing my endocannabinoid system and my incredible business partners are showing me a whole new way to grow personally as well as professionally.
So, the reason I share this story is because I believe Martini is suffering from adrenal issues. She is suffering because I have been slow to face my current blockage. I have been playing small around money. Ever since I was introduced to Network Marketing I have wanted to be an entrepreneur. I wanted to be the person who could donate to projects and causes. I wanted to work only because I wanted to and spend more time with my horses, friends and family. I have achieved some of this but nothing up to my potential. I have read all the books and done the workshops on flowing money to and through me, with ease, but I still work for more than comes to me passively.
I believe the reason I have only been partially successful is because I was not connected to my real reason for wanting these things. Now I am sure that my mission is to help you have your breakthrough so your horse can rest from his task. Network Marketing is my path to help people who want to have a breakthrough. Network Marketing has been called by many “personal growth, with a paycheck”. I believe it is the business model that is the best fit for the world right now.
Don’t worry if you are not up for Network Marketing. There are some great therapies, such as Network Chiropractic, that can get you through blockages. Eat blue green algae and our hemp oil. They are fantastic. Find your path and move forward. Your horse needs you to do this.
If you are curious about Network Marketing as your path for change, I would be so excited to partner and share with you what has helped me. Let’s get back in the dream business and change the world together!
I want to start sharing other groups that are speaking about some of these same issues. These are groups or blogs that focus on making things work for the person and the horse.
Intuitive communicator – https://yourenergyalchemist.com
Animal communicator – jheathmt@icloud.com