Holistic Horsekeeping
How to have a healthy happy horse
FAQ’s for a Fire Horse Temperament
Q. My Fire Horse is very physically sensitive to pain and irritation. Fly bites swell, injuries blow up into huge hematomas, and small scratches are very painful. Can you suggest ways to help Fire horses recover more quickly from physical irritations and symptoms.
A. Most Fire horses like baths so running cool water on minor irritations will help to cool the inflammation. Feeding blue green algae has a mild cooling effect on the overall system of the Fire horse and this helps calm down over reaction to insect bites. Blue green algae is also a wonderful antioxidant and provides foundational nutrition to encourage healing.

Q. My Fire mare can be very moody and often doesn’t want to be caught, especially if I haven’t worked with her on a regular basis. I’m not sure why she doesn’t want to be caught.
A. First, make sure you Fire horse is not in pain from something like a bad tooth or stomach ulcers. Fire horses can get their feelings hurt when they don’t get attention. Sometimes we are just not able to give them all the attention they want so you will have to make the time you can spend quality time and still be firm but understanding when she acts out. It is a good plan to provide digestive support to a Fire horse that is not receiving regular attention. GastroPlusPro or Aloe Vera are good choices to prevent ulcers in a Fire horse that is under stress from lack of personal attention.
Q. We have been working with several Fire horses who have been roughly handled and are very sensitive and skittish. They don’t trust anyone and when asked to perform a task they often “overdo”. For instance, for a turn on the haunches, one horse often goes very fast but in poor form, as if to “get it over with” because of fear. How can we help restore a Fire horse’s confidence in this case.
A. In this case you have to become the solution instead of the problem. Make sure your
requests are very clear and that your timing of when you ask for a move is in correct time with how the horse is moving his feet. Also reward each tiny step rather than expecting the whole movement to be perfect. Lots and lots of praise. Hemp oil can help support the nervous system and bring on a sense of contentment. This is a huge help to a horse that has had emotional stress and trauma.
All these issues can be prevented by feeding the Fire Horse Balance formula. This can be given daily until symptoms are relieved or given 5 days a month to maintain balance.
Want to learn more about the Fire Horse Temperament visit our website: www.HorseTemperment.com
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