I had to put Remi back in natural balance shoes yesterday. I loved the epona shoes but they did not hold up well in my rocky terrain. I feel the challenges with this shoe were more Remi and not the shoe itself. I loved that the epona shoe gave such good frog support and wore down quickly at the toe to ease breakover. I love that the epona shoe is flexible like horses hooves.

great breakover at toe but broken shoe from Remi over reaching
Remi still has stiffness in his shoulders and you can tell by the way he stands that he can not reach forward easily. When Remi was not being ridden he did OK but when I rode him he would over reach and step on the back of the shoe even with bell boots on. I have been doing body work on Remi’s shoulders but he has had years of tightness to overcome.

Remi's stance from tight shoulders
Remi’s overall body shpe is getting better and better. He is not so thick over his withers and having his feet comfortable has helped with his overall muscle development. His mane is all on one side of his neck.

natural balance shoe with fill in pad
The good news is that Remi’s sole is getting thicker so I may be able to get him back to being a barefoot horse again sooner rather than later. Madalyn