Some of you may be wondering why I did not get someone in to cut the cedar for posts. Well, I don’t have the type of cedar that makes good posts. I have what Mike calls mama cedars and these come out of the ground and immediately branch out. In the whole ten acres I have been able to cut about 5 posts. The good news is that it is raining and the burn ban is cancelled. I hope that when I next post my cedar piles will be history one way or another. Mike has been set back in his cutting business because no one can dispose of what he cut so he has purchased a chipper. I will be posting more pictures of the land with the cedar piles and then what it looks like with them gone. I can’t wait. MadalynPS we have harvested many of the stumps for firewood. You have to let it age before burning it but then it burns very hot and clean.
Mama Cedar Tree
Cedar Pile