
I am having a party next Sat afternoon as a 1 year anniversary to moving in here at Fischer. I have tried to get the word out but if you did not get a personal invitation you are still invited. I find the word of mouth party invite system works well for me.

I have, of course, been cleaning up and getting ready and it has been amazing how many small projects that I started when I moved in are still unfinished. I see baseboards that are missing and areas left unpainted. The outdoor shower still needs pickets and some fence lines still need the top wire put on.

The cool thing is I am not worried about it. I am so comfortable with this place being a work in progress and I am totally enjoying the process. It has been fun to do some of the small tasks and feel a sense of completion but some of the bigger projects will happen when they happen.

On the other hand I look around at the big projects that have gotten done. I am no longer looking out my windows at a huge pile of crushed rock and piles of cedar mulch. I have cleared a yard area of brush and even planted a small herb garden.

The horses have a nice pen and shelter and the goats and chickens have nice places to live. I have learned through all of this to let God lead me to which tasks should be done when. It is interesting to me to see how hard something simple can be when it is out of God’s timing and how easy the hardest task can be when God is directing things. Madalyn

garden project

garden project

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About Madalyn Ward, DVM

This blog provides information based on my unique take on horse health and well being. The articles are based on experience of treating and working with horses for over 40 years. In most cases the articles are focused on an holistic approach to health and management. When conventional medicine offers good research or therapy, I share this information as well. Madalyn Ward, DVM

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