Feeding a horse by Five-Element Personality Type

Although many horse owners and trainers are now beginning to acknowledge the differences between the horse personality types when it comes to training and management, few acknowledge the need for feeding a horse based on type. Yet, if each type needs to be handled and trained differently, why should all the types be fed in the same way?

Feeding a Fire Horse
Fire horses love to be at the center of attention and they want to be adored. They make excellent hunters and dressage horses, as well as good pleasure horses. They need to be told that they are loved. Fire horses are also extremely sensitive in nature, and are easily prone to stress. Feeding a Fire horse personality type can be challenging because they can be picky eaters and will not eat simply to be nourished. Eating needs to be a pleasurable experience for the Fire horse personality, or he will simply turn up his nose and choose starvation!

Fire Horse Personality Nutritional Support
The balanced Fire horse personality is a high energy, hot natured horse that needs lots of green foods that cool and moisturize his over heated system.

Ideal Foods and Supplements for the Fire Horse Personality
Examples of foods and supplements ideal for the Fire horse personality include the following, all of which are also high in B-vitamins, making them useful for the Fire horse:
•    barley
•    grass hay
•    alfalfa hay (up to 2 flakes/day)
•    wheat germ (1 to 2 oz/day)
•    wheat bran (up to 1 pound/day mixed with water to form a mash)
•    rice bran (up to ½ pound/day)
•    beet pulp (up to 6 pounds/day)
•    black sesame seeds (1 to 2 TBS/day)
•    seaweeds and micro-algae, especially chlorella(2 to 4 TBS/day), spirulina(2 to 4 TBS/day), and the wild blue-green algae with the cell wall removed (2 to 8 tablets/day)

These horse feeds an supplements work well for a healthy Fire horse personality. A Fire horse with health challenges may need additional nutritional support. Feeding a horse by personality type will help prevent behavior and health problems. Madalyn

For more information about Five Element Horse Temperaments check out Horse Harmony and our Five Element Ebook.

We also have some Five Element Audios of actual case histories and discussion of each horse temperament type. Real life cases are a great way to gain understanding of Five Element typing.

3 thoughts on “Feeding a horse by Five-Element Personality Type

  1. Shannon

    This is so true, my fire mare is the pickiest eater I’ve ever seen. All the hay she gets has to meet with her exacting standards or she will not eat it.

  2. Emily

    This is so true, my fire mare is the pickiest eater I’ve ever seen. All the hay she gets has to meet with her exacting standards or she will not eat it.

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