
This blog was started to tell the story of my move to Fischer, but now it has become another way to tell the rest of the story. My main reason for wanting my own place was to have more of a connection to my horses (Cerise and Remi) and my mule (Tess). Now I have added 2 cats, chickens, and milk goats to the herd. These animals bring constant joy into my life.

This blog helps me share daily case studies related to holistic horse care and Five Element temperament typing. I know I learn more from actual cases than studying theory. Through the cases I can share what supplements work for me, and how I use them. Much more information is available on the Holistic Horsekeeping and Horse Temperament websites. You may also find interesting information on my Holistic Horsekeeping Facebook page, Horse Harmony Facebook page and my Twitter page.

On my Holistic Horsekeeping website you will find a variety of resources and products,  including a section on the books that have influenced my thinking, my own books I have authored as well as other educational type materials, a variety of products that I use in my own practice,  and information on network marketing or becoming a customer of my New Earth business which is a line of whole food supplements based on AFA bluegreen algae. The benefit to my health and the residual income I have from the business aspect of network marketing has played a big part in my ability to live and practice the way I that I do. On the Horse Temperament site you will find resources specifically to help you learn the personality temperament type of your horse to better manage his or her health needs, nutritional needs, and happiness.

I welcome any comments either on the blog, my social media pages or via email.


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