I woke up to thunder this morning at 6:30 and we proceeded to get 4 inches of rain in less than 3 hours. I sure hope this breaks the drought. The electricity went off so finding my rain coat and mud boots was a challenge in the dark. It is not like I had them handy after 18 months of drought.
I was concerned about my cat, Owl, because he did not come in last night at curfew time and he was nowhere to be found this morning. I looked under all the buildings but no sign of him. I was worried but God said he was fine so I trusted that. After feeding, I had to go over to my friend, Sharon’s, because she is helping me put together my presentation for the American Holistic Veterinary Medical Association next week.
I was curious to see how my drainage control was working along my road. Well, I will be needing more engineering training because the railroad ties I had lined up along the road to slow down the water were all washed a hundred yards down the hill and stacked up in front of my gate. I had to excavate my way off the property. Remember my electricity is off so I have had no morning coffee at this point.
I got to Sharon’s and after several aggravating computer challenges we were able to put together my power point presentation. I was home by 10:30 and low and behold there was Owl. I had time to get Sally, my goat, milked before an 11:00 call with my new business coach. The main topic was my lack of organization. I wonder why?
It is days like this where I can get overwhelmed. I have found that since starting the Xango product Eleviv(formally X51) I have been able to take a breath and turn things over to God so they get done on his schedule and in His way. I feel He sent my new business coach, Madison, to help me get things done with the least amount of stress.
I have had other business coaches and time management has always been a large part of my frustration. Again, I think the Eleviv from Xango is helping me focus and stay on task without getting easily distracted. I have got a lot going on right now. All good, but still a lot. It is nice to feel my body is working well and my mind is able to concentrate. It never fails that when it rains, it pours, especially in Texas. Madalyn
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