Top of the list of most popular new year resolutions seem to always be some type of health goal, losing weight, or increasing finances goal. This year think about having it all with your resolution goal. There are many ways that improving your physical health can also improve your financial health. Here are a few resolutions to consider that will give your health and wallet a boost.
- Eat More Greens
Eating more vegetables and greens in particular you know will give your health a boost, but think about the ways increasing these foods in your diet will also help save you money. The nutrients in fruits and veggies improve your immune system function which can mean less sick time and more productivity and less days off from work due to illness. Plus, less money spent on medications and doctor visits. This is a great short term benefit, but think about the long term benefits to your health and finances too by reducing disease in the future such as heart disease which the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention lists as running about $444 billion a year in treatments in the United States. Then consider that increased productivity can translate to more income either with a promotion at work or just being able to do more and possibly take on more projects or clients. According to Brigham Young University research, healthy eating was found to reduce loss of productivity by 66%. If you can’t always get all the greens you need in each day, a whole food supplement might be a consideration for you. AFA bluegreen algae is one of the most nutrient dense foods on earth being loaded with essential fatty acids, phytonutrients, proteins, complex sugars, vitamins, minerals, micronutrients, and essential amino acids. - Walk More
Look for ways to not just increase the amount of walking you do each day, but all kinds of physical activity. Research reported by the Public Health Agency of Canada tells us that physical activity on a regular basis can lower the risk of over twenty-five health conditions such as heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, and high blood pressure. More activity also helps you sleep better so add in the benefits of good quality sleep to your health as well as the added benefit of weight loss with the extra calories you burn off. Keeping your weight down also gives relief to joints, slows down muscle decline, increases balance and coordination, improves circulation, reduces inflammation, increases bone density, keeps energy levels up, and improves flexibility. Exercise that increases your heart rate helps your mood and in coping with stress by producing endorphins, the hormone that makes us feel good. Get creative with this goal by looking for ways to increase your physical activity each day. You might take the stairs instead of the elevator, walk wherever you can, ride a bike, or skate whenever you can instead of driving, do your own yard work instead of hiring someone, park further away from an entrance, or go for a walk on your lunch break. At the very least, set a goal to get out and walk for 30 minutes three times weekly. The financial benefits for this goal can range from saving money on medications and doctor visits to less expenses that occur with driving such as gas and maintenance for your car or public transportation fees. - Eat More Home Cooking
Not only is eating home cooked meals more nutritious than pre-packaged meals, fast food or restaurant foods, it also saves money. Takeout costs 2-5 times more than the ingredients for a homemade meal and in most cases has much more calories. In many cases you can actually make homemade meals all week for the cost of one restaurant meal and have control over the portion sizes, calories and quality of the food. As we mentioned earlier, the treatment costs of heart disease is reported at $444 billion which includes treatment for not only heart conditions, but also stroke, artery disease, and high blood pressure. The best prevention for heart disease is eating a diet high in omega 3, low in trans fats and saturated fats, low in cholesterol, and high in fruits, vegetables and fiber. Stay away from fried and greasy foods and limit salt and alcohol consumption. Foods that have been shown to lower the risk of heart disease include fish such as herring, sardines, tuna, salmon and mackerel, and soy protein because it contains fiber, vitamins and minerals and has low levels of saturated fat. Also be aware of chemicals in your food like caffeine, MSG, and other food additives and avoid these. Supplementing your diet with coenzyme Q10 provides a natural form of support for the heart and is easy to do with this algae supplement that combines ubiquinol (the active form of coenzyme Q10), reishi and oyster mushrooms, polyphenols from olives, and AFA bluegreen algae. - Get Outside More
Instead of spending big bucks going to the movies or other expensive entertainment centers, think of ways for you and your family to get outside more. There are many outside activities that are very low or no cost that provide the opportunity not only for extra physical activity, but also the chance for extra exposure to sunlight which our bodies need to produce vitamin D. Go to the park for a picnic instead of taking the kids for a fast food or pizza meal. Take a walk looking at nature or throw a ball around, skate, or play games.
These are just 4 ideas of ways to structure your new year goal or resolution to add to your health and wealth. Hopefully using this as a jumping off point, you will come up with something that works for you. I hope these ideas help you have a blessed, peaceful and healthy year.
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Unless otherwise attributed, all material is written and edited by Madalyn Ward, DVM. Copyright (c) 2021 HolisticHorsekeeping.com and Madalyn Ward, DVM. All rights reserved.
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