January 2019
Holistic Horsekeeping
How to have a healthy happy horse.
Volume 24, Number 1
In This Issue:
- New Year’s Resolution: Do You and Your Horse Have One?
- More Help For Your Horse
1. New Year’s Resolution: Do You and Your Horse Have One?

Are you busy making New Year’s resolutions for you and your horse? Are you hoping to go more places, win more prizes, or have more fun with your horse?
More importantly, is there something that has held you and your horse back from your dreams and aspirations? Some of the barriers that I see in my practice that hold horse-human teams from achieving their dreams include:
- Health issues such as ulcers, joint problems, burnout, metabolic challenges, or poor hooves.
- Mental or Emotional issues that stem from previous trauma or doing an occupation that is a poor fit for the horse’s temperament type.
That One Big “Thing”
If your horse has been plagued by that one big “thing” that keeps you, as a team, from achieving your dreams, maybe now is the right time to look for a true and permanent solution. Perhaps you have been palliating the symptoms or coping with the situation as well as can be expected, but wouldn’t it be nice to really tackle and conquer the problem once and for all?
That’s why I am presenting here a compendium of resources to help you learn about the one big thing standing in the way of your horse dreams, and hopefully get you and your horse on the road to success!
Health Issues
There are too many health issues to list them all here, but we have gathered newsletter articles on the most common health issues that horses have. Hopefully you will find helpful information for your horse in this list.
Different types of ulcers
Treatments for different ulcers
Care for horses who have had ulcers in the past
Preventing ulcers after antibiotics
Spasmodic and gas colic
Laminitis and Metabolic Issues
Chronic laminitis
Holistic approach to laminitis
Insulin resistance in performance horses
Joint Issues
Joint health for young horses
Joint care for older or injured horses
Burnout in horses
Mental or Emotional Issues
Many horses can suffer from health issues that stem from mental or emotional imbalances. For instance, a horse who dislikes his occupation will likely suffer from emotional problems that can manifest as physical health issues. That’s why it is important to temperament type your horse and ensure that your horse is a good match for you and for his occupation. You can read more about temperament typing here:
Horse Harmony Book
or in Kindle format
Health issues and emotional problems
Introduction to horse temperament typing
We have many more resources for holistic horsekeeping that will help you and your horse achieve your goals and dreams in the coming year. Check out our:
Article library
Books & Other Educational Matierials
I wish to express a big thank you to all of our followers and customers and my appreciation to you for sharing our website with others.
Happy New Year. ~ Madalyn
2. More Help For Your Horse

Ready to get the new year off to a good start for you and your horse? Consider a nutritional consult with Dr. Ward. Or get help from one of our temperament consultants to discover your horse’s temperament type. You might even consider taking the online course and becoming a temperament consultant yourself.
Then if you are ready to really get serious increasing your knowledge of holistic horse care, the Mentoring Program with one-on-one instruction with Dr. Ward may be just what you are looking for.
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Unless otherwise attributed, all material is written and edited by Madalyn Ward, DVM. Copyright (c) 2019 HolisticHorsekeeping.com and Madalyn Ward, DVM. All rights reserved.
If you like the material in this newsletter please let your friends know about it. You may reprint material in other electronic or print publications provided the above copyright notice and a link to http://www.holistichorsekeeping.com is included in the credits.
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Twitter: madalynward