I just got back from presenting the Five Element horse temperament typing system at Equine Affaire in Massachusetts. This is my third trip to this event and I have been so impressed with the organization and quality of the events. What a fantastic venue to learn all about horses.
Coagi Long is the organizer I have worked with and she has made everything so easy. She makes my plane reservations, gets my hotel room and has people pick me up and take me wherever I am supposed to be. I wish I had someone like this in my life everyday.
In between my presentations I hang out at the Equilite booth and sign my Horse Harmony book and visit with people about there individual horses. Stacey, Barb and Karen are so fun to be with and I love the products they have. I have found their herbal products to be very helpful in balancing the horse temperaments. Equilite also has a fantastic line of flower essences that help balance the emotional needs of the individual horse temperaments.
I have been so pleased with the reception I have had to the Five Element horse temperament typing system. I have sold all books I had at each event and this last weekend I sold out and took quite a few orders to ship out. Many people come up and tell me that I described their horse perfectly and now they understand how to approach him better. Other people told me the horse temperament typing system helped them realize they are not a match for the horse they have.
It seems the time is right for a shift from treating all horses the same to approaching each one more individually. Good professional horsemen have done this for years because they gain knowledge dealing with large numbers of horses. Most of these professionals will readily admit, however, that they mishandled quite a few horses while they were learning. I see the Five Element horse typing system as a way to jump start the learning curve so fewer horses are damaged and more have the opportunity to be healthier and happier. Madalyn

Book signing
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