Category Archives: Colic in Horses

Pre and probiotics

Yesterday I talked about the article in The Horse on worms in horses and the same issue had a great article on pre and probiotics. Anyone who has followed my holistic methods knows how strongly I feel about feeding a horse these products on a regular basis. In the past most articles I read suggested … Continue Reading »

Avoiding Colic in Horses in Dry Weather

As I was feeding my horses last night I heard Jamie, one of my chickens, squawking outside the chicken house. At first I thought that maybe one of the other chickens was in her favorite roosting spot, but she continued to squawk even after she had gone to her roost. All the other chickens seemed … Continue Reading »

Leaky gut and colic in horses

Most people think of ulcers in horses as being large areas of damage in the stomach. Leaky gut is a condition that can occur if the lining of the intestines becomes irritated and develops small ulcers. Normally a healthy gut wall would prevent any toxins or undigested proteins from getting into the circulation but a … Continue Reading »