Bud has been improving steadily but he still has a way to go. I have been able to learn so much having him right outside my window where I can watch him closely. I have determined that food sensitivities are a huge issue for him. He also can’t handle much food at one time.
He has been eating 12 pounds a day of low starch Kool and Kalm and 1 flake of alfalfa. I tried to let him out into the pasture to graze but he was able to pick up enough loose coastal outside where I feed my horses that he got in trouble. I tried to increase his alfalfa to 2 flakes a day and he had trouble with that as well. The good news is that I can free feed him the Kool and Kalm and he eats it slowly throughout the day.
The weather has not been on Bud’s side. We have set a record for heat almost every day for the past month. Luckily Bud has been drinking very well. I can tell Bud is bored and would like to get out in the pasture. The day I let him out he ran around and played. Bud loves it when other horses come in and he runs around like a colt.
My hope is that I can rebuild Bud’s gut lining to the point that he will be able to eat more alfalfa and eventually add more foods to his diet. Right now his owner does not have any place to put him where he does not have access to pasture and coastal hay. We are working on that. Madalyn

Welcome sight
What about putting Bud in one of those muzzles that slows down eating so much — would he be able to eat coastal through that? I’m thinking only when you want to let him out to play. ???
That is a great idea. As a Shao Yin temperament, Bud might tolerate a muzzle if it meant he could be closer to the other horses. Madalyn