Holistic Horsekeeping
How to have a healthy happy horse.

When to Use Balance Formulas
It is not surprising that people have some misunderstanding about using the Balance formulas. After all, most supplements are designed to benefit all types of horses and to be fed continuously. The Five Element Balance formulas are designed to support the individual needs of a temperament type or to help any type during extreme weather conditions that may be causing an individual to need balancing. The Balance formulas support the organs relating to each type and they provide the nutrients that are most likely depleted when a temperament is under stress.
The Balance formulas don’t need to be fed all the time although it does not hurt the horse to do this. If a horse is under ongoing stress, then it follows that he would need continued balancing but a horse that is basically okay most of the time may only need the formula a few days out of each month to keep his system working best. The Balance formula are used to prevent health and emotional issues so the horse can stay healthy and perform to his best potential.
If a horse has already developed a problem, then it is necessary to address this problem with a supplement or specific treatment for that problem. While the Balance formulas support the type, they are not meant to treat any condition. The Balance formulas should be fed along with whatever is being used for the issue because without proper balancing the problem will not respond or will return as soon as treatment is stopped.
Here is a list of symptoms that result from imbalance in each type. I have also listed some products that can be used when symptoms are already occurring.
The stress emotion for Fire is anxiety. The Fire horse shows anxiety by weaving or pawing in the stall. This behavior may be especially obvious at feeding time when anxiety will cause stomach acid to increase. High head carriage is another sign of anxiety. Under saddle the stressed Fire horse temperament will want to rush through exercises or speed up.
The Fire Element can become Imbalanced when there is exposure to extreme hot, dry weather conditions.
Fire Issues: Anxiety, pawing or kicking at feeding time, difficulty in rating speed, high head carriage, emotional outbursts, sensitivity at poll, sensitive to pain, difficulty flexing poll, finicky appetite, slow to build muscle, resistance to girth tightening, sensitive skin, tying up.
FIRE Balancing Formula: Calm & Cool Fire Horse Formula is based on the unique needs of this temperament type. It contains:
- ϖ Cooling herbs to offset the tendency of the Fire horse connective tissue to respond to stress with excess inflammation.
- ϖ Specific amino acids, minerals and B vitamins are included to support the sensitive nervous system of the Fire horse.
- ϖ Additional amino acids are provided to help build muscle strength in the normally refined Fire horse.
- ϖ Prebiotics and soothing herbs are used to maximize digestion and protect the mucosa of the small intestine.
This formula is specifically designed to maintain balance in the Fire horse, but it can also be used in other temperament types experiencing imbalance in the Fire element due to exposure to extreme hot, dry weather conditions.
A Fire horse with a finicky appetite and resistance to girthing may have ulcers secondary to stress. GastroPlusPro and Ulcer Answer Plus may be needed to heal the ulcers. Assure Guard Gold or Lean Muscle can support healing in the Fire horse with chronic digestive issues.
The stress emotion for Earth is worry. The Earth horse may not show clear signs of worry, but clues include a grumpy attitude in a normally willing horse. If worry in the Earth horse is not addressed, it can manifest as the aggravating habit of cribbing. Under saddle the stressed Earth horse temperament may work and perform but show no enthusiasm. The Earth element can become imbalanced when there is exposure to extreme or prolonged damp or rainy conditions.
Earth Issues: Suppressed worry, grumpiness, lack of ambition, increased appetite, tendency to gain weight, swelling of udder or sheath, swelling of lower legs, tendency to have worms, prone to fungal infections, swollen lymph nodes, initial stiffness that lessens with warm up, cribbing.
EARTH Balancing Formula: Sweet & Energized The Earth Horse Formula is based on the unique needs of this temperament type. It contains:
- ϖ Drying herbs to offset the tendency of the Earth horse to build up fluids in his tissues.
- ϖ Specific amino acids and minerals are included to help the build strong muscles and to improve endurance.
- ϖ Digestive enzymes are provided to support proper breakdown of foods.
- ϖ Additional amino acids are used to support the mood of the Earth horse to help him be more ambitious and less inclined to worry.
This formula is specifically designed to maintain balance in the Earth horse, but it can also be used in other temperament types experiencing imbalance in the Earth element due to exposure to extreme or prolonged damp or rainy conditions.
Support supplements for an Earth that is unable to lose weight is Lean Muscle. For the Earth horse with joint and muscle stiffness which improves after movement AniMotion is often the best choice.
The stress emotion for the Metal horse is resistance. The Metal horse shows resistance by holding his breath. When the stressed Metal horse does not breathe well, he struggles to learn and objects to any change in his routine. Under saddle the stressed Metal horse temperament may buck when pushed to perform. The Metal Element can become Imbalanced when there is exposure to exposure to extreme or prolonged dry conditions (hot or cold).
Metal Issues: Resistance to learning new things, braced and stiff body, hair loss, especially around face, cracked hooves, dry skin, respiratory problems, impaction colics, sarcoids, rough gaits, tight shoulders.
METAL Balancing Formula: Flexible & Resilient The Metal Horse Formula is based on the unique needs of this temperament type. It contains:
- ϖ Moisturizing herbs to offset the tendency of the Metal horse to have tight, dry connective tissues.
- ϖ Specific vitamins and herbs are included to help the Metal horse build strong immunity.
- ϖ Digestive support herbs are provided to enhance proper breakdown of foods.
- ϖ Additional amino acids are used to support the mood of the Metal horse to help him be more flexible and open minded when learning.
This formula is specifically designed to maintain balance in the Metal horse, but it can also be used in other temperament types experiencing imbalance in the Metal element due to exposure to extreme or prolonged dry conditions (hot or cold).
Support products to consider for a Metal horse with respiratory problems are Immune Breathe, Bleeders Blend and Defend.
For a Metal horse with rough gaits or joint problems use Spine and Nerve, Joint Plus or Joint and Recovery.
The stress emotion for the Water horse is fear. The Water horse shows fear by constantly wanting to move. Frantic pacing or running in the stall or pen are signs of fear in the Water horse. Under saddle the stressed Water horse temperament will lose focus and easily spook or become overactive.
The Water Element can become Imbalanced when there is exposure to extreme or prolonged cold conditions.
Water Issues: Easily frightened, sensitive, bolting from fear, lower back pain, lower back weakness, weak or sensitive teeth, joint problems, packing fence lines, claustrophobia, sensitive to noise.
WATER Balancing Formula: Brave and Warm
The Water Horse Formula is based on the unique needs of this temperament type. It contains:
- ϖ Warming herbs to offset the tendency of the Water horse to suffer from bone and joint discomfort that is worse in cold weather.
- ϖ Extra minerals are included to support healthy bones and teeth.
- ϖ Kidney support herbs aid in fluid balance.
- ϖ Specific amino acids are used to provide the nervous system with nutrition needed to stay focused and respond to new challenges with more confidence.
This formula is specifically designed to maintain balance in the Water horse, but it can also be used in other temperament types experiencing imbalance in the Water element due to exposure to extreme or prolonged cold conditions. Older horses of all types may benefit from the nutrients and balancing herbs provided in the Water formula.
Support products for the Water horse with lower back pain, bone or teeth issues are Immubiome Strength and Stamina, Steadfast Equine or Joint Plus.
To help build the top line on a Water Temperament type you can use Muscle Mass or Lean Muscle.
For the Water horse showing claustrophobia or sensitivity to noise use Focus Pro Biscuits.
The stress emotion for the Wood horse is anger. The Wood horse shows anger by kicking in the stall and destroying objects within his reach. Crushed buckets or bent gates are suggestive of a Wood horse under stress. Under saddle the stressed Wood horse temperament will refuse to go forward and want to argue about every exercise or task presented.
The Wood Element can become Imbalanced when there is exposure to windy weather conditions.
Wood Issues: Irritability, tendency to balk, skin allergies, eye inflammation, weak hooves, ligament or tendon injury, hard head cycles, tightness over ribs.
WOOD Balancing Formula: Willing with Balanced Energy
The Wood Horse Formula is based on the unique needs of this temperament type. It contains:
- ϖ Cleansing herbs to offset the tendency of the Wood horse to build up toxins in his tissues.
- ϖ Specific amino acids and minerals are included to help the Wood horse build strong connective tissues and hooves.
- ϖ Additional amino acids are used to support the attitude of the Wood horse to help him be more forgiving and less inclined to be angry.
This formula is specifically designed to maintain balance in the Wood horse, but it can also be used in other temperament types experiencing imbalance in the Wood element due to exposure to windy weather conditions.
Support products for Wood horse with injuries to tendons or ligaments include Joint and Recovery or Injury Pro. Mares with hard heat cycles benefit from Sweet Mare Plus.
For all the Balancing Formulas, a 5 day course, given once a month is the suggested protocol for maintaining balance. However longer courses of ½ a dose a day may be needed for the horse in training or under stress (physical or emotional). One bag will last 6 months if given the first 5 days of every month.
If you don’t know your horse’s type, we have expert typologists to help you. We offer an online course for those who want to understand more about Temperament Typing.
Please visit www.HorseTemperament.com for more information.
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