How do I get a Temperament Typing done for my horse?
Register for a session with a certified Horse Temperament Typing Consultant. After filling out a questionnaire, the Typing Consultant will review your answers, and ask you questions, through email or phone, about your horse to help you arrive at the correct temperament type for your horse.
This kind of session can help clear up any confusion and help you learn more about your horse’s temperament type. Get your horse’s temperament typed by our professional Horse Temperament Typing Consultants.
Please read about our Temperament Consultants and pick the one you would most like to work with. You can then contact them directly at the email provided. They will send you the form and you can begin to understand your horse better.
The cost for temperament typing is $65/hour.
Discounts are available for multiple horses.
Process for obtaining a Temperament Typing for your horse:
1. Email the Typing Consultant you are interested in working with to request your Temperament Typing.
- Master temperament typing consultants have undertaken additional training to address the needs of difficult temperament cases challenged by multiple management and nutritional issues.
- Certified temperament typing consultants are trained to identify temperament type in horses that do not have significant management or nutritional challenges.
2. The Typing Consultant will email you:
- A questionnaire to fill out on your horse. (Please note the more detail you can provide the better. For example if one of the health concerns is that your horse sometimes has diarrhea, please see if you can attribute it to a time of year or a change in the weather or stress.)
- A request for two current pictures (head shot and full body shot) of your horse.
3. The Typing Consultant will email you with any followup questions.
4. The Typing Consultant will email you when they have the results and ask how you would like to receive these results. There are two options:
- You can talk with the Typing Consultant by phone** (They will let you know the days and times they are available for phone consultations.
- The results can be emailed to you and if you have questions you can arrange a call with the Typing Consultant.
** please note the calling with results option is only available to US phone numbers. International results will be sent by email.
Master Horse Temperament Typing Consultants
Kim Bauer

Kim Bauer is a well-known expert and educator in the field of animal acupressure and massage. Kim began her studies in animal acupressure and Traditional Chinese Medicine in 1999 and is highly regarded here in the U.S. and internationally. She is nationally certified by the National Board of Certification for Animal Acupressure and Massage (NBCAAM) and is an Instructor for the Northwest School of Animal Massage (NWSAM).
In January of 2005, Kim created her own business, Animal Ease Therapies, LLC. She works with clients to create individualized plans for each animal that integrates her knowledge of temperament typing, acupressure and massage. Some of Kim’s additional training has included; Equi-taping, Bach flower essences, reiki, homeopathy, Chinese herbs, and equine neurological and muscle disorders.
Kim holds a Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy and a Master of Arts in Teaching. She was a middle and elementary school classroom teacher for 14 years before choosing to blend her teaching abilities with her love of animals.
Please contact Kim for a consultation at
Shari Meischen

Shari started her equestrian journey as an adult amateur, when she moved to the Texas Hill Country. She spent several years searching for the right equine partner and trying to make things work with the wrong horses. Several times she found a good horse, only to find it wasn’t a good match for her.
During her horse search, she was introduced to the book “Horse Harmony”, by Dr. Madalyn Ward. That changed how she looked at horses and gave her a real understanding for why she was struggling with some horses. She used the book to guide her in finding her perfect partner, Finnegan, an Irish Draught gelding with a big heart and a great sense of humor. Together, they are learning dressage and embarking on a fun, new jumping career.
Shari quickly discovered she had a true passion for temperament typing and helping owners to better understand their horses, using the Horse Temperament principles.
After retiring from a long corporate career, she chose to pursue training as a Horse Temperament Consultant, in order to further her work helping horses and their people build better partnerships. She is also training in holistic equine nutritional studies, through a mentorship with Dr. Ward.
Please contact Shari directly for a consultation at
Please visit for more information.
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