After 18 months of drought here in Texas, I had forgotten the value of taking small steps. It took 2 slides down on my butt to remind me to proceed carefully when the footing is uncertain. I got to thinking how this also applies to those starting a network marketing business.
Some people are excited as soon as they are introduced to the concept of network marketing and they jump right into the process and are not concerned with occasional mistakes. Others, on the other hand, are still uncertain and if these people try to do too much, too soon they end up being even less secure when occasional slips happen.
I don’t try to rush people when they are getting started with a network marketing business. I coach them to look at the first 6 months as a training process an to expect a certain amount of nervousness. Small steps are the best way to gain confidence and this often means focusing on learning the training system. I have found that the more people learn about my company, Xango, the more comfortable they are with inviting others to look.
I also find that s people get to know others in Xango they realize that there are many who started out nervous just like them. They also get to see the wide range of individuals and personality types who are successful and this helps build confidence. In Xango meetings it is a custom to ask people at different qualification levels to stand up and be acknowledged. I am always impressed with the large numbers of people at all levels and this tells me many people are experiencing success, not just a few “big hitters”.
So, don’t worry when you are uncertain about how to proceed with your network marketing business. Follow your sponsor’s guidance and take small steps to build your confidence. Learn about the products, the company founders, the training system, meet others in your team and in the company. Give yourself a chance to succeed and don’t be afraid to slip occasionally. A little mud on the butt never hurt anyone. Madalyn

Sissy contemplating a big jump