Well the time came to wean Sally’s babies. I just hate weaning but the kids are over 4 months old and almost as big as their mother. My neighbor, David, had a kid that he needed to wean so we traded and he took Prissy to his house and brought his kid, Fancy, to my house.
Sissy got to stay here with Sally but she cried for 2 days for her sister. David reported Prissy was equally distressed. Neither mother seemed to care at all and Fancy seemed content enough to have other goats to hang out with. Sally butted fancy once or twice to show her who was boss but otherwise they all got along.

Sally, Sissy and Fancy
I have only been milking Sally once a day and getting about 1 quart of milk. I think she seized the opportunity and weaned Sissy because the first day Prissy was gone I got 4 quarts of milk. I milked her as usual in the morning, then at dinner and then again when I got back from church. My cousin, Libby, is stepping up her cheese making and I am going to get a ice cream maker.
Today everybody is settled down and out in the pasture browsing. I really like goats. Madalyn