Holistic Horsekeeping
How to have a healthy happy horse
In This Issue:
- Avoiding Burnout in Different Horse Temperaments
- Learn At Home
1. Avoiding Burnout in Different Horse Temperaments

I was watching one of my hens last night right before bedtime. I heard her making that sound they make when they are annoyed but I could not see any cats or lurking fox around bothering her. As a matter of fact she was all alone stomping around outside the pen.
This is the hen that has taken over raising my first batch of 4 chicks. They are all teenagers now and I guess between trying to keep up with them and the endless hot weather, this hen was simply overwhelmed. When I did head count later that night the hen was not in the coop.
I had seen her just 1 hour before and there was no sign of feathers so I hoped she had not been eaten. Sure enough next morning she was outside waiting. I think she was so done with her chick raising that she decided to risk her life and spend the night in a tree all by herself.
We do this sometimes with our horses. We keep asking more and more until they rebel or get sour on working at all. Different horse temperaments will get to this point of burnout faster than others.
A Fire horse temperament will continue to work as long as he understands what he is being asked to do and gets praise for doing it well. This type will need some days of lighter work to avoid physical breakdown. Burnout can happen quickly in a Fire horse temperament if he gets confused and is punished for not understanding or can’t do the task due to pain. The Fire Balance formula was designed to help the Fire horse handle stress. Focus mushroom formula and Focus hemp are also beneficial. Low doses of this hemp formula are best for emotional issues, .25cc once or twice a day.
An Earth horse temperament does not like to work hard but he will be willing to work long hours if the work is not strenuous. This type horse can work all day carrying small kids around at a horse show and as long as he gets some treats he will do this willingly week after week, year after year. However, frequent competition events or continued hours of hard work will cause the Earth horse to get grumpy. The Earth Balance formula gives the Earth horse nutrition to sustain heavier work. Lean Muscle mushroom formula helps the Earth horse build muscle and lose fat so he is in better condition to work.
A Metal horse temperament will work hard for long hours and he can handle pain well. The Metal horse does not like too much variety and will get mentally stressed if his routine is disrupted. Because the Metal horse is so tough, early signs of pain or exhaustion can be missed. It is best to give the Metal horse a month or so off at a time so he can totally unwind and then he will be physically and mentally ready to get back to work. The Metal Balance formula helps support the hard working horse and also helps him be more flexible in his thinking. Immune mushroom formula and Spine and Nerve mushroom formula help support the Metal horse in hard work.
A Water horse temperament will burn out quickly if he is asked to do events that cause fear or pain. Arthritic pain can cause the Water horse to resist work and become difficult to handle. Keeping the environment consistent and offering calming reassurance when introducing new things will help the Water horse build confidence. Lightening the work and letting joints recover will keep this type horse working longer. The Water Balance formula supports the bones and joints as well as helping relax the nervous system. Water horses can also benefit from Focus mushroom and Focus hemp. If the Water horse has already gone into burnout and is showing constant high anxiety then Calm hemp is given at the rate of .25cc twice a day.
A Wood horse temperament loves to work and will only get sour if the work is boring. He can hold up to hard mental and physical challenges. This type does not like time off but they may do well with a change in activity from their regular job. The Wood Balance formula helps the Wood horse be more accepting of the training process. Joint and Recovery mushroom helps keep the hard working Wood horse sound.
All horses benefit from an algae with probiotics formula to support their gut health and microbiome. The algae has nutrients that not only support health but cross the blood brain barrier to give a sense of well-being.
Don’t overlook early signs of burnout or your horse may end up wanting to sleep in a tree all by himself :).
2. Learn at Home

We may not be able to get out and go to workshops and conferences still, but there are plenty of ways to keep learning about holistic horse care and how to keep your horse happy and healthy. We have everything from books, audios and Kindle books to DVD’s, videos, and an online course. Just follow these links and you’ll find lots of free and low-cost resources.
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Webinars With Wendy – Madalyn Ward
Vital Animal Podcast – Dr. Madalyn Ward on horses: feeding the need, vaccines
Webinars With Wendy – Kim Bauer #1
Webinars With Wendy – Kim Bauer #2
Tango With Horses Community Call – Madalyn Ward
A Veterinarian Shares Why Your Animals Need Hemp oil, CBD, and CBG
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